Thursday, August 13, 2009

The One Minute Writer


I haven't been here in forever... and I haven't been that great about eating right, working out, etc. Frankly, life has been way too busy with my classes and my grandmother's been sick, so I just haven't even thought about it!

Anyway... I'm planning on doing NaNoWriMo ( for more info), and I've got a story in the pipes that I would like to use. I need to use the time between now and Nov 1 plotting and planning so until then, Metamorphosis is metamorphosizing (is that even a word?) into a catchall for my various and sundry thoughts in relation to my story :)

One thing I'm going to try to do is do the "one minute writer" ( every day. I'm hoping that in getting those thoughts down in 60 seconds or less, I can draw from them for my story. Some days, that might be the only thing that makes it into this blog. Other days, hopefully I will use this space to flesh out my characters, setting, themes, etc etc etc.

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